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Usage guide

【About the time】

・Check in                               15:00~21:00

                         ※If you will arrive after 21:00, please be sure to contact us in advance.

                                            ※For  check in or check out please, visit our Hotel Alpen Blick front desk.

・Check out                             ~10:00(until 10AM)


・Hotel's indoor hot spring         15:00~10:00(next morning)


・Hotel's outdoor hot spring       6:00~9:00 and 15:00~24:00


・Sauna opening hours              ①15:00~16:30

 (90min free sauna service       ②16:00~17:30

 available for trailer house        ③17:00~18:30

  suite guest only)                   ④18:00~19:30




・Hotel shop                             8:00~21:00


・Tatra hall (dinner buffet)        17:30~21:00  ※90 minutes all you can eat.


・Hotel (breakfast buffet)          7:00~9:00


・Restaurant Dan (dinner)        18:00~21:00(Last order 9:30)

                 ※Limited to those staying in a suite or adding a special meal.


・Restaurant Dan (breakfast)    7:00~9:00(Last order 8:00)

                                              ※Limited to those staying in a suite or adding a special meal.

                                              ※Please do not forget your room key as your meal ticket for both breakfast and dinner venues.

【About the parking lot】

・Please park your car next to the trailer house where you will be staying or also you can use Alpenblick Parking Lots 1 or 2.

・Parking unrelated to this facility is strictly prohibited.

・We does not take any responsibility regarding accidents and troubles within our facility.

【About the guest rooms】

・Night wears are available in your room. If you would like to change the size, please contact at front desk using tablet in you room.

・Only for adults staying in suite, down tanzen(a thickly padded,oversize kimono) are available in the room.


・Beverage provided for drink.

   1.Suite stay...

      Water 500ml&coffee capsule for each person,beer (5L server),and tea machine are available for free of charge.

      Tea(500ml×4bottles), Beer (6typs of alpenblick beer),wine and soft drinks are available for charge.

      You can add chagre items by using tablet.

      ※charge items can pay when you check out.


   2.Superior stay...

      Water(500ml),Apenblick beer(500ml) and green tea/tea pack for each person are available for free of charge.

・If you would like to rent snowshoes, down jackets, umbrellas, or add amenities, please contact us using the tablet provided in your room.

・Please store your skis and snowboards are as follows:

   1.Suite stay...

   The suite building has ski and snowboard racks on the wooden desk.

   2.Superior stay...

   Please use the hotel's drying room.(Available hours 7:00~21:00)


・If you are staying continue more than one night and would you like to clean your room or need to replace amenities,

 please contact to front desk using tablet in your room or also can ask to hotel staff directly.


【About the hotel facilities and equipments】

・When you go to the indoor hot spring or outdoor hot spring, please note these following points.

 1.Suite stay...

   Face towels and bath towels are also available for rent at the front desk. After use, please return it to the return box at changing room.

 2.Superior stay...

   Please bring your own face and bath towels from the room.

・To use the sauna, karaoke,billiards and table tannis(summer only) please make a booking using table in your room.

・Sauna usages are limited  to 90 minutes and fee are as follows:

   1 person 5,000 yen

   2 people 8,000 yen

   3 people 9,000 yen

   4 people 10,000 yen

  ※For booking, please contact us by using tablet or visit our hotel front desk .

・We offer free rental of board games. The number of board games are limited, so if you are interested,

    please make a booking using tablet in your room.

【About the pets】

Accommodation is available in C-1 to C-6 with accompaniment.

As a general rule, only one small dog is allowed.If you would like to bring more than one small dog, please contact us in advance.

Owners are responsible for accompanying their pets so please follow the rules and manners listed below:

・Please wear a leash outside of your room.

・For rabies vaccination, please present the annual vaccination certificate or certificate of vaccination to the accommodation.
For the mixed vaccination, please present the most recent certificate of the mixed vaccination (a certificate of the most recent antibody test results is also acceptable).

・Only dogs that are minimally trained and toilet trained are allowed.

・Please be careful not to bark.

・Animals that may cause fear to others (such as fighting dogs) are prohibited.

・Don't leave your pet alone.

・Owners are responsible for disposing of excrement.

​・This facility is not responsible for any accidents or troubles that may occur within the facility.

【Payment method】

We accept cash, credit card, and electronic money payments.

【Prohibited matter】

If you do not comply with the following matters, you may be refused use of this facility. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

・Acts that violate laws and public order and morals.

・Smoking outside of designated areas (including electronic cigarettes).

・Disturbing behavior that involves excessive sound, including loud voices, or emitting lights, etc.

・Acts that damage trees or the surrounding natural environment.

・Excessive collection of plants.

・Entry of customers other than those with reservations.

・Other acts that are deemed to impede the safe operation of this facility.


【Regarding refusal of use】

In addition, if any of the following apply to you, we will immediately refuse your use of this facility.

・If behavior that causes trouble to other customers is observed.

・If an act that violates the law or public order and morals is observed.

・If there were any inconveniences in past use.

・Use by anti-social forces such as organized crime groups.

If you have any questions, please contact the Alpenblick Hotel front desk (0255-86-3180).

ALPEN BRICK Resort_logo (9).png
2452 Sekigawa, Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture
( Google Maps )
2457-1 Sekigawa, Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture
( Google Maps )
2413-11 Sekigawa, Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture
( Google Maps )
Brewery Restaurant Tatra
2457-2 Sekigawa, Myoko City, Niigata Prefecture
( Google Maps )
  • alpenblick.resort
  • ikenotairainfo

© 2022 Arai & Associates Co., Ltd.

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